Thursday, April 16, 2015

Synopsis "Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 2 episode 45
Nigiar is surprised seeing Ibrahim in her room and he explains to her that Nassos knows that. The last day that Ibrahim talked with Nasos, reminded him of Victoria and that he saved his head. Nassos said that he will live with this shame until he dies and Ibrahim told him that it is time to give it back. Ibrahim asks him also, to marry and to divorce Nigiar, because she is his mistress. Behram Pasa hears this conversation.

Ibrahim spends the night with Nigiar, while Hatice gives birth to twins ! Valide says to Daye that Hurrem must have done magic things to her son, that's why he behaves in this way. Mahidevran invades Valide's room and complains but Valide says to her to be patient as it has come the time that the war with Hurrem will begin.

She says also that Suleiman will call her soon in his room. Then Mahidevran erupts and says that he made a lot of patience and she remained silent as Valide told her, but she can not afford it anymore. She says that the Sultan has 10 years to touch her, and when she goes to his room, he does not lie not even on his pillow and that he has not touched even her hand and this is the biggest humiliation for a woman.

Valide is surprised of what she hears. They all gathered to give name to the twins and wish to Hatice. When the Sultan leaves, Mahidevran erupts saying that someone should scold her and Hurrem says to her that she was the one who asked for rules in the harem, and now she doesn't obey to them! When they stay alone, Ibrahim says to Mahidevran, to calm down, so he can protect herself and Mustafa. Mahidevran asks him how he tolerates Hurrem being so powerful. The Sultan asks Bali Bey to protect Aybige. Bali Bey says to Ibrahim, that although Behram Pasa saved his life, as the Sultan did, he does not trust him.

Mahidevran asks to talk to the Sultan and he refuses, but Mahidevran refuses to leave, if he does not accept her. Then the Sultan accepts her and irritated he scold her about her bad behavior. Mahidevran tells him that always she was his slave and his concubine and that she loves him. She also says that she feds up and she wants him to give her freedom as he did with Hurrem and to leave the palace, along with Mustafa and live as a free woman. The Sultan furious says to her to leave the room, but he tells her that the place of Mustafa is this palace and he allows her to leave alone. Desperate she crys in her room and wonders how she could live without Mustafa.

Mustafa, decides to speak to his father. He tells him that he wonders why her mother crys and what is her fault. The Sultan says that women are sensitive, but he has not to worry as he doesn't let his mother leave the palace. Mustafa says that he will leave with his mother and he will not allow anyone to make her mother cry again. Mustafa says that he learned this from his father, who always protects Valide! Sultan says to Ibrahim, that Mustafa grew up and feels proud of him.

Mustafa greets his brothers and Mahidevran tells Hurrem not be glad that they leave, because soon she will return more powerful, since the Crown Prince is with her. Mahidevran greets the Valide. Valide says to her not to worry, and that she will soon get rid of Hurrem and she will get her back. Mustafa asks if his father was angry and Ibrahim says that his father loves him. Bali Bey finds hardship with Aybige, as she gets his horse and leaves. Then she provokes him, if he is the one who will protect her, threatening him with a knife. Ibrahim sends Nigiar a contract of a house named to her and a letter in which he asks her to stay there.

Aybige complains about Bali Bay's behavior to Hurrem, but Hurrem smiles, just she relised rather sympathy than anger in Aybige's words. Behram Pasa drinks and witnesses to Helen the assassination attempt to Ibrahim, saying that the fire lit beneath his feet, will destroy him. Helen tries to inform Bali Bey through Gul Aga, but Gul Aga says it to Hurrem. Hurrem informs Ibrahim Pasa that Behram Pasa tried to poison him with the arrow and when Ibrahim asks her why she says that to him,

Hurrem replies that she doesn't want the Sultan to learn the suspicions of some people that she is probably responsible for that. Behram Pasa sends someone to Nigiar, and says that Ibrahim Pasa wants back what he sent to her.Thus the contract and the letter of Ibrahim, are now in the hands of Behram Pasa. Daye says Hurrem, that Valide invited for dinner and Hurrem wonders.

Hatice also wonders, but Valide says that she does this for the sake of Suleiman. Ibrahim meets Behram Paha and says to him not to play with fire. Behram Pasa says to Ibrahim that if he doesn't help him to become Vizier, he will tell the Sultan about his relationship with Nigiar. Ibrahim says he does not tolerate him to give instructions what to do and Behram Pasa informs that he has in hands his contract and the letter to Nigiar with his own seal. This makes Ibrahim furious and threatens him with a sword that he will kill him.

Bali Bey says to Ibrahim to be careful of Behram Pasa and Ibrahim tells him not to worry he would take care of it. He asks from his men to get rid of Behram Pasa and the next day he is informed that this he had requested was done. Hurrem pretends stomachache and Valide reassures her not to fear that she would poison her.When Hurrem asks Valide why she called her, Valide replies that she wants to stop the war between them, since Suleiman wants that. Valide also says, that from now on she will be fair with her.

The next day, Ibrahim sees Behram Pasa alive and when asks him what he is doing in the palace, he says that he came to inform the Sultan for the woman who died in his arms because of poisoned wine. When Ibrahim asks him what he thinks he is, he replies "Your destiny" and asks the Sultan to talk to him about something very important!!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

Synopsis "Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 2 episode 44

Suleiman hidden, listens to the conversation of Valide and Hurrem. Valide trying to trap Hurrem, asks her if she wants to get rid of all them, as she did with Leo. She accuses her that she betrayed Suleiman with Leo and she mentions her for love letters they had exchanged. She also says to Hurrem that this marriage is over.

Hurrem trying to understand what happens, suddenly sees Suleiman mirrored in a silver jar. She replies to Valinte that all these are lies, that she is the mother of her grandchildren and the wife of her son and she would never do this and wonders which is the reason of such a trap. She says Valide "Shame on you" and she leaves.

Suleiman accuses his mother of trying to blame Hurrem and says that he is bored of this hatred and Valide says to him that if he doesen't believe her, to ask Ibrahim to tell the truth, Ibrahim knows everything! In the cave Sumboul sees Nigiar kissing Ibrahim and he says to her, that they will take her head off if they learn that.

Nigiar says that Ibrahim has no idea that she is in love with him and he doesn't participate to this. Hatice sees nightmare and when he wakes up believes that Ibrahim is dead and they hide him from her. Gulfem and Mahidevran calm her, but Hatice remains silent and still all night long, without to be able to revive till the next day.

Hurrem goes to Hatice's room and despite the objections of Mahidevran, she gets them out the room and stays alone with Hatice. She says to Hatice that she has felt the death, having lost their family and stayed alone. She also says to her, that the whole world collapsed around her and had a lot of hatred inside her, she believed that she will never be happy, but she found the love, she has children and she is happy. Then she says that Hatice should be strong, not to deliver her child to death before be born and Ibrahim will return alive.

Hatice recovers and embraces her. Valide and Suleiman listen to the conversation and Suleiman feels proud for Hurrem. They get ready to go to Ibrahim, but a carriage comes and Ibrahim is inside who has been cured. When Suleiman stays alone with Ibrahim, he asks him if he suspects someone who would like to kill him and Ibrahim replies negatively. He replies the same, when Suleiman asks if considers Ayaz Pasa guilty.

Hatice wonders who wants to kill Ibrahim and Suleiman tells her not to worry and that they will find the guilty. Sumboul informs Daye about Nigiar kissing Ibrahim. Valide feeling gratitude for Nigiar, and for the cure of Ibrahim, she prepares a lavish wedding for her. When Valide sees her sad, Daye who knows what happens, intervens and says, that Nigiar is emotional. Valide asks from Ibrahim to tell Suleiman about Hurrem and Leo and he refuses saying that the Sultan asked him to protect Hurrem, now who is his wife.

Suleiman sees Hurrem silent and sad and when he asks her what happens, she says that everybody in the harem says that she is a witch, after she managed Suleiman to marry her and he loughs. Later, Hurrem meets Ibrahim and when she asks him if he made alliance with Valide to go against her, he replies that there is no war anymore between them.

Hurrem says that, this war will end only if she wins and that, now she is free and married to the Sultan, and Ibrahim is a slave. She continues saying to Ibrahim not forget this fact, otherwise he will be destroyed. The Sultan asks Ibrahim what he knows about Hurrem and Leo and Ibrahim refuses that he knows something and that if something happened, he wouldn't hide it from Suleiman. Princess Aybige, Valide's niece arrives at Top Kapi, and she wants to meet Hurrem, whose reputation reached to Crimea, that having managed to get four children with the Sultan.

Mahidevran says that Hurrem is a snake and evil woman and Aybige tells her that the Sultan would not married such a woman. When Hurrem goes to the room, where many women are gathered for Nigiar's marriage, Valide tells her that there is no room to sit elsewhere. Then Aybige approaches her, indifferent to the irritation of the rest women, and she talks with her, showing sympathy. The marriage of Matrakci and Nigiar is celebrated and Ibrahim asks to talk to Matrakci.

Daye seeing Nigiar sad, she says to her that she should be pleased that she leaves the harem and she will make family and born childeren. She says also, that this is the happiness and if she stays here she will be destroyed. In the market, a trader offers to Ibrahim delights, but Ibrahim hesitates to take one. Then Behram Pasha intervenes and forces the trader to eat the delight, which is poisoned and the trader dies. In the place that they will greet Nigiar, Hurrem arrives with a huge crown on his head. She pushes Gulfem and Mahidevran and comes third in the row, since she is now the official wife of the Sultan. Valide gets angry and asks her to remove her crown.

Suleiman calls Valide, Gulfem and Mahidevran to his room and he says that, once he married officialy Hurrem and he is the master of the world, now Hurrem is the first Sultana. Whoever shows disrespect to his wife, it's like to show disrespect and offend to him !!!!! Matrakci divorces and gets Nigiar free and while Nigiar was crying and wondering which is her fault and asking for God to die in order to releif her pain, the door opens and Ibrahim enters!

Tuesday, April 14, 2015

Synopsis "Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 2 episode 43
Hurrem tells Suleiman that she is excited and he tells her not to tear in joy. Suleiman announces his marriage to Valide and the whole family and everybody are shocked. Valide doesn't allow Hurrem to kiss her hand and approaching her son, wonders if he wants to hurt her and then she faints. When she recovers, asks him if he is totally blind! The archery - killer of Ibrahim is prevented by order of Hurrem. Hoca announces the wedding of Suleiman to Hurrem and another archer injurs Ibrahim, who asks not to tell anybody.

Mihrima expresses her love to Bali Bay and Mahidevran asks to withdraw. Gulfem turns of a problem when Hurrem ask her, if she will congratulate them. Mahidevran believes that she sees a nightmare and that it is not true. She wonders how Hurrem tricked Suleiman. Valide feels guilty and blames herself, saying that she should melt the head of the snake when it was little, meaning Hurrem. Ibrahim after the care of the doctor, asks not to tell anyone, not to learn Hatice.

Hurrem says to Mihrima that she is not a slave any more and she is married. Nigiar asks Hurrem until where she is going to reach and she answers that she will stop when all kneel in front of her. Mustafa asks to stay with his brothers and Mahidevran does not allow him. Hurrem intervenes and Mahidevran gets angry. Then Hurrem tells her that she should talk to her better because she is not a slave anymore and that she will not spoil the first night of her wedding.

Valide gets angry with Sumbul Aga because he did not inform her about the wedding, knowing everything, having been a witness. He says that it was the wish of the Sultan to remain secret. Hurrem spends the first night as Sultan's wife and tells him that her heart is going to break of longing and that he missed her so much. Suleiman recitates a poem and gives her a jewel as a gift. Hurrem says that she will remain a slave of his love until death.

Hatice learns about the injuries of Ibrahim and calls the doctor who says that the arrow was poisoned. They inform the sultan, who runs nearby. Bali Bay informs Valide and Hurrem that someone tried to kill Ibrahim with arrow and Hurrem is surprised. She asks Gul Aga to explain and he tells her that he stopped the attack. Hurrem wonders who did it and fears that Valide will blame her. Daye tells her that Ibrahim is the Grand Vizier so he has many enemies.

Hatice crying, says to the Sultan that he did not protect Ibrahim even if he guaranteed for his life. Suleiman desperated, thinks that he will not allow the fate to defeat him. Matrakci proposes to go Ibrahim to spa and if it does not do good to him, definitely he will not become worse and says to send Nigiar kalfa with him. The culprits are arrested and attest to Bali Bay that Ayaz Pasa ordered the execution of Ibrahim.

Hurrem visits Hatice and Mahidevran tells her that she wants to kill them all. They quarrel and Hatice gets angry. When Suleiman along with Bali Bey go to see the arrested, they find them dead and the soldier tells them that someone showed the sultan's order for their execution. Bali Bey tries to trap Ayaz Pasa, saying he would help him become a Vizier because he considers him the best and Ayaz Pasa asks what he wants for exchange.

Hurrem says to Daye that she wants to make a donation to the Holy Land. Mahidevran continually strips away Mehmet from Mustafa's room and when Hurrem sees him sad, she says that it will come a day that Mahidevran will pay for what she does. Suleiman gets a letter from Crimea that the two brothers of Valide are at war and informs Valide, who asks to bring her niece to the palace, if not already killed and Suleiman tells her that he would arrange it.

Hurrem asks the jeweler to make her the crown more precious and more massive than Valide's and when Gulsah hears it, she informs Mahidevran. Mahidevran says it to Valide and she, irritated, asks to see Suleiman. She says that Hurrem deceived him with Leo and when he says that all these are her fantasies, she says that Leo wrote all these in a diary, but Hurrem burned it. Then she suggests him to hear it from Hurrem herself, so to believe it. When Hurrem comes, Valide asks her why she wants to kill Ibrahim and Valide, after her marriage and Hurrem tells her that she has great opinion of her abilities. Valide insists on asking, if, after Leo, she will get rid of them and Suleiman, hidden, hears the conversation.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Synopsis "Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 2 episode 42
The Sultan asks to see Bali Bey and Sumbul informs him that Bali Bey has gone along with Hurrem to the palace. However, after a while, he informs him that a message came from Bali Bey that Hurrem was attacked in the woods and he does not know if she is alive.

Suleiman rides his horse and starts searching with his soldiers, threatening them that this woman is his family and if something has happened to her, he will vanish everyone. In the palace, Sumbul informs Ibrahim and Valide about the attack and Valide wishes to know what happened to Hurrem. Then, Sumbul tells her that Bali Bey has gone at the place of the attack, because of Daye who warned him.

Valide asks to see Daye and angrily asks her, why did this and if she got the side of Hurrem. Daye replies that she did it for Valide's sake, thinking that if Hurrem wouldn't reach the palace in safety, Valide will be blamed. When Hatice learns for the attack, runs to the palace, and hopes, Allah to punish those who did it.

Hurrem frozen in the woods, unconscious thinking she dies alone and asks Suleiman, in her thoughts, to protect her children. Unable to move, she sees Suleiman looking for her. In the woods, Suleiman says Ibrahim that he feels her, feel calling him, feels her smell ...he approaches her.... and finally finds her, driven by the power of love. He carries her himself in his arms, passing in front of the harem and everybody sees him.

Daye feels the intense, angry look of Valide on her. Suleiman carries her in his arms, leans her on the bed and she asks him where she is and he replies "to your home". She also says to him "I saw death approaching me, but you heard me, Souleiman". Suleiman asks for Ferhat Pasa to ivnestigate the attack secretly, without anyone learns anything, not even Ibrahim Pasha.In Hurrem's room Hatise , hungs Mihrima and Mihrima says that she misses all very much, specialy her brothers and she requests not to live again from palace.

Valide goes to Hurrem's room and Hurrem says that she invited her to the palace. Valide tells her that, when she gets well, she will go back to the exile and Hurrem replies that she will not leave again, Suleiman will not let her go. Mahidevran asks when Hurrem will go back to exile and Valide visits Suleiman and says to him, that Hurrem will go back as far as she feels better and Suleiman says that Hurrem will not go back to exile and she will stay to the palace. This makes Valide angry, telling him that Hurrem takes him as granted. Outside Sultan's room, Ibrahim meets Valide and tells her that he had arranged everything about the ambush, but someone had been warned. Valide tells him that Daye did it.

Bali Bay captures one of the organizers of the attack and interrogates him by threatening that he would torment him by cutting one by one his parts. Then he gives in and says he will speak. Ibrahim learns about the arrest and asks not to tell the Sultan and that he will undertake this. When Ibrahim learns that the witness is ready to talk , he undertakes to interrogate him soon and in front of the astonished eyes and full of wonder Bali Bey, he kills the witness.

Suleiman goes to Hurrem's room but he behaves to her indifferently. When Hurrem says that she has enemies who want to kill her, Suleiman asks her sarcastically if the enemies are Valide or Ibrahim. Hurrem asks him to believe her, and reminds him that at first her horse was killed, after that,  her maid. She says that someone is guilty for all these.

Hurrem calls Daye to thank her that she sent Bali Bay and saved her. Daye says that this was Valide's order. Then Hurrem says that she defends Valide in vain and that both know very well that Valide wouldn't do that, because she wouldn't like her to be saved. The Sultan learns about the arrest and calls Bali Bay and Ibrahim to talk to them, who inform him that the withness died without speak. The Sultan says that the case was closed after the guilty was punished, and thanks to Bali Bay that he saved Hurrem.

Then he stays only with Ibrahim and says to him "You're My Pasha, the Grand Vizier, my commander of my army, my friend from my childhood, my brother, member of my family, so I want to know what I decided. The day of the circumcision of the princes is far more important to me because that day I will marry Hurrem. This will remain our secret. No one knows anything, not even Valide, not even Hurrem. From now on if you ever happen something to Hurrem, then you will feel responsible"! Gul Aga says to Hurrem that Nigiar is going to marry with Nasso Effendi (Matrakci), but he saw Nigiar very sad and also that he was very frightened when he learned about the ambush.

Hurrem says that her enemies should fear that begun war and asks him to find someone trusted, to take revenge. After a few months, Valide asks Daye to prepare a girl for halvet, because, ever since Hurrem has come, the Sultan is indifferent to the harem. All the girls gathered to Valide's room. Hurrem learns about the halvet dissapointed but she doesn't react.

Mahidevran mocks Hurrem and she replies that apparently Valide gave up the hope that can do this. Valide learns that the Sultan refused the halvet and irritated, asks to see him. When Suleiman says that the harem is over for him, she gets furious. Hatice confides Hurrem that she is anxious about Ibrahim's life, after what Yakub Effendi said to her and that she can not live without him.

Hurrem affected, asks Gul Aga to cancel the attempted murder of Ibrahim. The Sultan asks to see Hurrem and go together in the place that a ceremony takes place. Hurrem sees that it is surprising marriage ceremony of Suleiman and Hurrem. She looks at him excited and amazed. When the ceremony finishes, Suleiman kisses and tells her "My love, light of my life, you are the cause of my being, this makes me lose myself with a look, my partner, my wife".....

Sunday, April 12, 2015

Synopsis "Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 2 episode 41

Suleiman, angry with Hurrem who is asking him to marry her, says Valide that he does not want to see her in his palace anymore and he wants her to go. Nigiar is saved in the last minute by Ibrahim and says that she wanted to get rid of the torture she feels, as she wrote in the letter. Ibrahim says he's not interested in her life. He finds the letter in Hatice's hands and realizing that she hasn't read it yet, he says that it is a document.

Hatice doubts and asks if it is a love letter. Then he suggested to read it in order to persuade herself, but Hatice denies. Valide asks Hurrem what she has done and Suleiman wants to get her away from the palace and Hurrem tells her that she refused to sleep with him because it is sin without marriage, now that she is free. Valide satisfied with Hurrem, says that she would speak to Suleiman and Hurrem becomes happy that she has alliance. Sumpoul informs Hurrem, following Suleiman's order, that Hurrem must leave the palace with Mihrima.

Hurrem asks him to see Suleiman and he refuses but Hurrem invades the room. In asking if it is true that she is expelled from the palace and is separated from her children, Suleiman tells her that she wanted to play with him and asks her to leave the room. When she meets Ibrahim, says that being so greedy, she lost what he had gained.

Hurrem replies that he should be careful because the greed may cost him his life. Mahidevran learns that Hurrem is leaving the palace and she goes to Valide, in order to confirm it. Sultan asks to see Mahidevran. Hatice asks Hurrem, why she did not think of her children before act like this and Hurrem replies that everything she does is for them.

Hurrem learns that Sultan asked Mahidevran to go to his room and she got crazy from jealousy and hurt by his behavior, she returns him the ring with a letter. Mahidevran goes to Suleiman's room, but she soon understands that he invited her to talk about the ritual circumcision of Mustafa. Hurrem and Mihrima leave the palace. Hatice is pregnant again. After one month, Mihrima gets sick and as soon as Sultan learns this,  runs close to her.

Mihrima asks him to stay with her and he accepts. When Hurrem asks him to see her children, he asks her to leave him alone with his daughter. Mahidevran visits Hatice and learns that she is pregnant. She advices Hatice to prosecute Nigiar because she would bring her bad luck. When Hatice replies that Nigiar is very conscientious to the prosecution, Mahidevran says to proposing her marry Matrakci. Nigiar hears the conversation.

Hatice likes the idea of marriage and tells this to Ibrahim. Valide and Mahidevran go to Sultan to tell him the news of Hatice's pregnancy and they learn that Sultan has gone to Hurrem. Valide decides to act to save themselves from Hurrem. She visits Ibrahim and inform him that she knows that he is responsible for Leo's death, but ignores this for now, because she is more interested to save themselves from Hurrem.

Daye visits Hurrem and Hurrem tells her, that at the end she will win and she will return to the palace as Suleiman's wife. When Valide hears this, she says that this is wishful thinking. Daye learns that Hurrem will travel at night to come to the palace to see her children and tells Valide that is to risky in the woods at night. Then Valide wonders why Daye cares so much for Hurrem.

Daye feels that something is happening therefore she informes Bali Bay that Hurrem will travel at night and that he must know this, to care for her safety. Valide informs Suleiman that Hurrem wants to see her children and she will come to the palace. Suleiman asks what happened suddenly, and Valide says that she is a mother and she wants to see her children. On the way to the palace Hurrem gets in an ambush but Bali Bay intervenes. Unfortunately one of them hunts Hurrem in the woods!!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

Synopsis "Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 2 episode 40
Hurrem seeing Leo's diary in Valide's hands, explains that they knew each other since childhood and when the Tartars took her, Leo searched and found her. But her heart was given to Suleiman and that she told Leo to leave. She said that Ibrahim found the diary and poisoned Leo. Valide listening to all these, he loses consciousness.

Nigiar did not find the diary and understands that Gulsah has stolen it and she pressed her to give it back. Then Mahidevran intervenes and says that she gave it to Valide. Daye gets the diary and says to Hurrem that she can get it from Valide, when she meets her. Mahidevran accuses Hurrem that she is responsible for whawt happened to Valide.

Hurrem requests explanation from Nigiar how did the diary does to Valide's hands and Nigiar tells her that Gulsah stolen it from there she had hidden it. Hurrem asks her why did not gave it to her or destroyed it and she kept it to have something against her. Nigiar replies that she did not do that because she has no time, she has to go to Saray.

Hatice learns that Hurrem was with Valide when she gets ill, and she tells Hurrem that since she has come to palace, they have lost their quietly and threatens her that, if anything happens to Valide, she will make her regret the day she was born. Hurrem asks for the diary from Daye and tells her to think very well of her future. She also tells her that if one day Valide passes away, who believes that will take care of the palace... Mahidevran? Valide asks to see Hurrem and says to her that she will send her away.

Hurrem asks her not to separate her from her children and leave Sultan to take a decision when he gets back, but Valide has taken the decision to send her away. Daye asks Nigiar what she knows about the diary and Leo and Nigiar explains that Leo was in love with her but Hurrem asked him to leave. That Hurrem is innocent, she saw all these with her eyes. Valide asks to prepare the coach immediately, to send Hurrem away from the palace and Daye informs Hurrem for this.

Valide asks Hurrem why she does not leave since Suleiman, when he learns about the diary, he will send her away. Then Hurrem shows her the diary and burns it in fire. Daye has given to her when she informed about the coach.(In return for the diary, Hurrem offers Daye, the title of a house ... a villa ... and says that this is their secret ..) Valide tells her that she would talk to Suleiman and Hurrem says that Suleiman knows about the problems between them. She killed her horse at first, then Niloufer ..... why ...she wonders.

Suleiman decides retreat after his defeat in Vienna. He returns to palace and learns that Valide was ill. She tells him that she wants to talk to him. Hurrem thanks Bali Bay for the love he shows to Mehmet. She welcomes Suleiman and says that she missed him too much. Later informs him that Imam refused her donation to Mecca, because only the family can be donated and she is a slave, a concubine. Then Suleiman gives her her freedom and tells her that she is no longer a slave. When Sultan announces it to Valide she irritates and Suleiman tells her that he decides on his family and she has to care only for the harem.

Hurrem announces in the harem, that Sultan gave her freedom back and says to Mahidevran that they are equal now. She asks Daye to send a donation to Mekka and Sumbul to distribute sweets to the palace. When Ibrahim learns that Hurrem is not a slave anymore, left stunned. Nigiar desperate, that there is no future in her love with Ibrahim and seeing him in love with Hatice, writes a letter about how much she loves him and decides to terminate her life.

Hatice finds Nigiar's letter to Ibrahim. Suleiman calls Hurrem to go to his room and she refuses to go. He gets angry and sends Sumbul again to tell her that he commands her to go around, but Hurrem denies again. Then Suleiman very angry goes to her room for explanation. Hurrem says that, since he gave her freedom and is no longer his slave, she is not allowed to sleep with him, without marriage!!

Friday, April 10, 2015

Synopsis "Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 2 episode 39

Hurrem invades Valide's room, telling her that he knows that she is responsible for the death of the horse. She also says her, that she did not kill only her horse but also her innocence and that This palace is not fit for both of them anymore. Hatice asks her mother, if Hurrem tells the truth and Valide replies negatively. The Sultan decides campaign in Vienna and makes Ibrahim chief of his army.

Hurrem requires to return Esma and Niloufer close to her and Valide does not prevent this. When Hurrem tells Suleiman for the murder of her horse, he commands to find out who did this and to bring him to take off his heart with his own hands. Bali Bay tries to discover the culprit and Daye says that she saw Niloufer holding a knife. Niloufer denies this and says that Daye got a knife when they quarreled with Gulsah, something that Daye does not accept and calls Nilufer a liar.

Suleiman announces Hurrem that he is going to Vienna, and fearful she tells him no to go so not leave her alone in the palace, because she is afraid. Hatice hears that Ibrahim goes to the campaign and says to him that Yakup Effendi warned fo a death in the family. Then Ibrahim executed him. Hurrem learns about the new post of Ibrahim and asks Suleiman how high can Ibrahim reach and he replies that there is no more above, only Suleiman's throne. Then Hurrem says that the soul of a man is insatiable and can also seek the throne.

Suleiman replies that there is no possible, because Ibahim is not an ottoman. Bali Bay learns from a soldier that he saw Niloufer with the knife near the horse and after casting,  Niloufer admits that she killed the horse because Daye threatened her. The Sultan instructs Ibrahim to read his decree, with which he confers him the power to decide and punish.

Ibrahim scared, says that this pushes him closer to death and the Sultan replies that he is responsible for Sultan's death or life. When the Sultan informs Valide that Niloufer killed the horse, but someone definitely forced her, Valide says that Hurrem does this in order to blame her. Then the Sultan says that Valide must stop this story (disrespect) with Hurrem and to do the best for the harem. Niloufer strangled , not to tell the truth. Mihrima says Valide that they do not need her love and that the love of her mother and her brothers is enough for her.

Valide angry threatens Hurrem that if she continues to poison the minds of her children will be deprived them from her and she will send her far away. Suleiman leaves and says goodbye to his family. He also says to Valide to watch out the harme but rather to ensure Hurrem Sultana because she is upset after the recent events.

Hatice asks Nigiar to return to the palace,  something that surprises Nigiar. She also wants Gul to call Yakup Effendi and learns that he is dead. Hurrem hears that Mahidevran orders to instruct springs and orders to construct a fountain in Mecca.

Valide tells her to send a letter to the Imam and the Imam replies that donations may be made only by the family dynasty, not by slaves. Gulsah discovers the diary that Nigiar had hidden and gives it to Mahidevran. She gives it to Valide, saying that concerns to Hurrem. Then Valide calls Hurrem and shows her the diary,  saying that she deceived her son and that her fate is now check by Valide.

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Synopsis "Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 2 episode 38
Hurrem tells Isabella that she acts foolishly, that she didn't leave and claimed the love of Suleiman. "You wanted to we fought and I wan", Hurrem says to her. Leaving, she greets her and gives instructions to Nigiar and Gul aga to get rid both of them, ignoring Gul Aga who says, that the princess is alive. Suleiman does not find Isabella in her room and wonders if she was moved somewhere else. When Sumpul tells them that he didn't find Isabella, Valide irritable says that she can't have disappeared.

Suleiman says to her that she does not rule the harem in a right way. Gulsah notices the suspicious actions of Gul and Nigiar and informs Mahidevran about that and Isabella's disappearance. When they check the room of the unwashed, they don't find anything. Suleiman furius asks from Ibrahim to find Isabella and Mahidevran accuses Hurrem that she killed Isabella. Hatice assumes that something bad happened to Isabella and that Hurrem is responsible for this.

Mahidevran confirms this, saying that if they see Hurrem's face, they will understand. Valide tells them that they should not accuse only on suspicions. Ibrahim asks Nigiar about the disappearance of the princess and she replies that she doesn't know anything and Ibrahim gets furious. Valide going to Hurrem's room hears her to say to Mihrima, that they got rid of Isabella and she will get rid of all those who are between her and Suleiman, first will be Ibrahim, then Mahidevran and Mustafa and at the end will be Valide. She also says, that the palace belongs to them and to her brothers.

Ibrahim says Suleiman that they don't know where Isabella is and the Sultan asks him who should be assumed resposible for this. This should be Valide or this who he trusts his life. He notes that understands everything and that they may hide from him only what he wants and indifferences.

Valide goes furius in Suleiman's room and indicates the behavior of Hurrem. Then Suleiman calls her and says to be careful in what she says and that he loves his whole family. When he says that he does not want such love and prefers to finish it now, Hurrem asks him to kill her, because she can not live without his love. Then Suleiman kisses her, confirming his love.

Valide becomes furious with Hurrem, once again, when she informs that Hurrem shares halva in the palace, custom refers to a greeting to dead people. She decides to remove all the trusted people away from her. Niloufer, Esma, Gül Aga and Nigiar, trying to make him insane. Ibrahim informs the Sultan that Isabella left by ship to Venice and she is located in a monastery. In order to appreciate Bali Bey and to make Ibrahim insane, Suleiman offers to Bali Bey the stamp, authorising him something like a visier, making him "his right hand" as Ibrahim was in the past.

Hatice asks Gul Aga to call Giakoub Effendi and Gul informs Hurrem, which guides the magician to tell Hatice that she will lose another person in the family. Nilufer fights with Gulsah and threatens her with the knife that Hurrem gave to her. Daye takes the knife and informs Valide for that. Daye gives to a military the order from Valide giving also Hurrem's knife. Niloufer sees them and informs Hurrem that they plan to murder her. Hurrem learns that her horse "Love" was killed with the knife Suleiman has given to her. She takes the knife and invades in Valide's room.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

Synopsis "Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 2 episode 37
Hurrem seeing Valide to welcome Isabella in the harem is shocked and goes to Sultan's office troubled. Suleiman tells her that she must accept his decision and when she says that Isabella is Catholic he replies that so she was a Christian when she came in the palace. Then Hurrem tells him that she will not forget this day ever. Princess does not like the room and asks to stay in Suleiman's room, causing laughter to nigar. Isabella decides to look for Suleiman's room alone but Sumpul tells her that she has to be nvited to go there.

Hurrem calls nigar and asks her to find a way to get rid of the princess. While Hurrem was in Valide's room, Nilufer informs her, that the princess prepares for halvet.Then she got angry with Valide and tells her that what ever she does, at the end she will win them all as she defeated the previous, meaning Mahidevran. Leaving Valide sees princess entering Suleyman's room. The scene in the room can not be described, only to see.

Hurrem feeling betrayed from Suleiman's attitude, burns love poems that he wrote for her, burning her hand. When Ibrahim mentioned to the Sultan the negotiations for the princess, he replied that the negotiations are terminated....the princess is owned to his harem now and Ibrahim feels so glad for this. Bali Bey learns from his brother, that Saliha who knows her from his childhood waits for him. For ensure order in harem and to give a lesson to Hurrem, Valide Sultana gets under her protection Princess Isabella.

Princess goes riding with Suleiman but he falls off his horse (which the saddle has solved by Nilufer) and she is saved by Suleiman. Ibrahim believes that Hurrem will do everything possible to get rid of the princess, and therefore starts a horrible plan to combat Hurrem. In order to implement his plan, Ibrahim will use nigar Kalfa, saying that if someone poisones the princess, they all will consider that Hurrem is responsible.

Hurrem enters in Isabella's room and threats her, but she cutes by Daie, which brings a gift to Princess from Valide. nigar says to Hurem that there is a way to get rid from Isabella, transmitting the illness to her by her open wound, So nobody will blame her. Suleiman visits Princess and she complains to him that Hurrem speaks badly to her and that the children do not speak to her. Suleiman goes to Hurrem's room and warns her to get wise.

Matraksi says to Ibrahim that he has written in book for all Suleiman's victories and courage decisions and Ibrahim tells him to leave this book and to write a new one about Ibrahim.Sultan hears him and lectures him by hitting him in matrak defeating. nigar throws the poison that Ibrahim gave her in princess's food and a cloth with blood brought by Niloufer from ill concubines infects the food dish.

Gul Aga says to Hurrem that nigar tries to poison the princess and Hurrem slaps nigar, because she understands that she obeys to Ibrahim's orders. nigar and Giul Αga try to get rid of the princess and Canmina, but they find out that the princess is still alive. Τhey inform Hurrem about that.

Synopsis "Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 2 episode 36
Ibrahim managed to prevent the escape of Isabella. and Abraham knew that this was the plan Hurrem.

Topkapi Palace

While Hurrem feel happy because Gul Aga said that he saw with his own eyes that Isabella has gone from the Palace ... Hurrem give Gul Aga gold and celebrated with a dance party in the harem.

Everyone was surprised by the return of Nigar in Topkapi palace (formerly Nigar become servants in the palace Hatica) Nigar Mahidevran Sultan asked about the whereabouts of the diary but Nigar not admit it.

Baly Bey married to Armin, but shortly after that. Armin died.

Topkapi Palace
Ibrahim scolded because Gul Gul Aga Aga has helped Hurrem.

after several days of seclusion, Hatice ask the Queen Mother to return to the palace because he missed Ibrahim.

Topkapi Palace
when the Queen Mother returned to the palace. because he was angry at Hurrem Hurrem has made dance party. he was asked to stop. Hatice back to the palace, and he was happy because Abraham had expelled Nigar of the palace.

Hatice can stop the pain, he decided to forget the past and try to start a new life and then prepare dinner for the family palace.

Topkapi Palace
Hurrem complain at Suleyman that the Queen Mother did not love him because when Hurrem throw a party. Precisely the Queen Mother asked him to stop. Suleyman simply replied that Hurrem do not have to think about it Because Suleyman is very loving Hurrem.

When the royal family came to dinner in the palace Hatice. Hurrem surprised because look at Isabella also be there because previously Hurrem had thought that he had issued Isabella from the palace.

Hurrem went back to see when Suleyman gave the necklace to Isabella. Hurrem was scolding Isabella. they fight. Isabella said in her argument that she is a princess while Hurrem just a slave.

Hurrem very angry, Hurrem asked why Isabella did not leave the palace. Isabella replied as he has now fallen in love with Suleyman. Suleyman hear this and then he decided to put Isabella in his harem.

Isabella was very happy to hear the King's decision. The Grand Empress Isabella was welcomed with joy and he hoped that Isabella will provide many princes at her Son.

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

Synopsis "Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 2 episode 35
ROOM Suleyman
Suleyman did not understand the language of the Crimea, he urged Hurrem in order to read out the contents of the diary before him.Hurrem feel cornered. he found the reason. Hurrem then began to read, but do not read the actual Hurrem. Hurrem fabricate the contents of the diary.Hurrem: he does not love me, did not put any feeling me "

At that time. Sumbul Aga came forth and memberitaukan that Hatice tried to commit suicide. instantaneous Suleyman and Ibrahim was shocked and left Hurrem.Hurrem trying to get rid of the diary. he threw it in the garden. unfortunately, Gulsa find the diary and gave it to Mahidevran Sultan.Meanwhile Hatice hope that no one save him because he was very sad over the death of her baby. but Suleyman managed to persuade Hatice, and then asked for permission to Suleyman the Queen Mother that Hatice need to move away from the court then had to go to Edirne Hatice temporarily to relieve the pain.

Hurrem threatening Isabella. but Isabella reiterated that he was a prisoner who wants to get out of the palace. Hurrem also offer that Hurrem could help her out of the palace.

Hurrem call Gul Aga and ask for help liberate Isabella from the palace. however Gul Aga afraid if Suleyman knew that he would kill her. but Hurrem asserted if Gul Aga does not comply Hurrem then Hurrem alone will kill Gul Aga. Gul Aga finally obey Hurrem.Ibrahim tried to cheer and say if Hatice Hatice dead then he will also die. and say that time can stop the pain.

Mahidevran Sultan know that Hurrem send Nilufer to find her diary. Nigar Mahidevran Sultan asked to read out the contents of the diary. Nigar said that it was just a diary and does not contain anything but Mahidevran Sultan did not believe it.Armin fell ill. his father was aware that her daughter sick because of love, he then call Bali Bey. doctor also said that Armin is severe pain.

Suleyman asked Hurrem to explain the truth about what the contents of the diary belonged to Leo. Hurrem also said that it was just a regular diary and nothing is important. that it is just about Leo who misses his family in the Crimea.Armin asked Bali Bey to stay away because he did not want to catch the disease from Armin. 

Topkapi Palace 
Mahidevran Sultan ordered Gulsa to find people who can speak the Crimea. but the diary was later disappeared. Nigar has got it.Isabella notifying the servant that Hurrem and Gul Aga will help him go from I Stana. when it Sumbul Aga hear their conversation. SUMBUL report on Ibrahim Pasha. 

PALACE Hatice 
Nigar entered the room Ibrahim (when it Nigar be servants in the palace again Ibarhim). they have dinner together. He said the next day Nigar to forget the incident and considered as if nothing happen.Isabella. with the help of Gul Aga Hurrem behest, Gul Aga Isabella to send a ship to return to his homeland. but Isabella was surprised because Abraham was before.

Synopsis "Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 2 episode 34
a snake has bitten Isabella and King managed to save him.
Suleyman bring a personal physician. to examine what has happened to Ibrahim Pasha. doctor has managed to cure it. physician said that Ibrahim had been exposed to a deadly poison

Topkapi Palace
Hurrem go into the room, but he met Bali Bey and asked where Suleyman located. Bali Bey said that King was with Isabella. Bali Bey told me that he was trying to rescue a snake bite Isabella

Previous ibrahim touching her baby alone, without his knowledge. Ibrahim has actually transmit the poison from her diary to her baby. when Hatice was sleeping with the baby, the next day the baby had died.
Suleyman then cheer for the death of his son Ibrahim
When Hurrem condolences to Ibrahim to air. Ibrahim accused Hurrem that Hurrem had hurt his son. Hurrem also said that Hurrem may indeed hate Ibrahim, but Hurrem never intended to kill his son. because if it is true Hurrem as it might first Hurrem will not save her baby Ibrahim, when the first baby can not breathe
Ibrahim did not listen. Ibrahim threatened with open daily Hurrem Leo (formerly Abraham kept a diary / diary Leo)
Isabella also sent condolences on the death of the son of Ibrahim Pasha

meanwhile, Hurrem angry with Yakup Effendi that he did not get it right, even affected is the baby while the actual target actually survived. Yakup Effendi asked him to try again but Hurrem decided not to accept.

When the waitress Isabella tells Isabella that her employer had fallen in love with Suleyman, the Princess was just angry
Nigar Kalfa Ibrahim asked if anyone had tried to poison him. Nigar said that he did not know. but then remembered that Hurrem Nigar previously been asked Ibrahim her diary. of all that, brahim know that the source of all illness is the diary. brahim also realized that his son had died because of the exposure to toxins. ibrahim burn diary
Ibrahim said on Hatice that he will soon act to punish the person who has led his son died

Topkapi Palace
Ibrahim shows Hurrem painting ever made Leo to Suleyman and bring diary belonging to Leo that Suleyman read

Synopsis "Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 2 episode 33
isabella release collar. and handed it to Hurem. Isabella says that she does not want this necklace again.
Nigar Kalfa try to help treat Ibrahim who was terminally ill. but does not require it to Hatice Hatice Nigar ordered to return to the Topkapi palace. Nigar cry, when it Gulsa saw Nigar and his report on Mahidevran Sultan.

Armin Decided to return to his father. so as not to cause problems to Bali Bey.

Hurrem give gifts to Isabella. but in it was a snake.

Prince Frederick aware of Gritti that Isabella is actually still alive. he sent a letter to Isabella.

Suleyman want to know the state of his people back. he went to the market and disguised as a commoner.

Topkapi Palace
The Queen Mother held an entertainment show and he invited Isabella. This surprising Suleyman and he wanted to meet with Isabella. Hurrem very cornered in this situation. Also Hurrem asked permission to return to her room.
When it Hurrem see Suleyman outside terrace was with Isabella, Hurrem tried to show him who was unhappy at Suleyman and Isabella. Hurrem slammed something to Suleyman surprised. Hurrem then went back to the room Suleyman. he asked why the king Gave to Isabella diamond necklace. Suleyman but only say that he just wanted to give him any.

Hurrem want to return the gift horse of Suleyman.
Suleyman: Hurrem, what are you doing?
Hurrem: no more love! I really love you, but if you ignore me. Just then kill me !!!

ROOM Valide
Hurrem visit the Queen Mother. there Hurrem said. why Suleyman still ignore it though Hurrem have given three Prince. The Queen Mother Replied, that his son has his own harem. not only one woman only. Hurrem the Queen Mother was asked to come out of his room.
Ibrahim was still bedridden. Also Hurrem said to Abraham that Abraham would die slowly. Suleyman're when talking about a disease Ibrahim. Suddenly a snake has Appeared.

Monday, April 6, 2015

Synopsis "Magnificent Century / Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 2 episode 32
Suleyman Isabella grabbed and kissed her, but Isabella tries to menamparnya..Suleyman managed to stop the action of the hands of Isabella. Nigar saw the incident. Nigar was thinking whether he will notify Hurrem or not. Isabella felt ashamed of his servant after what he did was with Suleyman, Isabella said that now there will be no rescue because everyone would think that Isabella was dead

Bali Bey Armin kidnapped and hid it in place Matrakci. when his father was looking for him, Matrakci said that Armin was not there. His father Armin also have recourse to Ibrahim Pasha.

Hurrem went to see Isabela.disana Isabella Isabella told Hurrem that actually want to escape but Suleyman hold, but Hurrem not believe it.

Isabella felt embarrassed at Suleyman when Suleyman had kissed her. Isabella cry. Suleyman wiping tears Isabella. Sulleyman giving out a diamond necklace to Isabella. The Princess was initially rejected, but then want to wear. when Hurrem saw the necklace. Hurrem very angry and threatened Isabella

Meanwhile, Ibrahim has been exposed to toxins from her diary. Ibrahim is now seriously ill.

Synopsis "Magnificent Century/Muhtesem Yuzyil " season 2 episode 31
Ηurrem sees Sultan Suleiman with the Princess Isabella to enter to the hunting kiosk. Sultan seeing Isabella in front of him naked and tearful, bends, gets the cape off the floor, covers her and leaves. Hurrem shocked, feels betrayed, as she didn't see that Sultan had gone. When she returns, meets Mahidevran in the garden of the palace. Mahidevran notes that Hurrem is tearful and understands that he went to see the Princess.

Exploiting the situation, Mahidevran doesn't lose the chance to hurt Hurrem. Arriving to the palace, Hurrem asks Sumbul Aga to have a talk and learns that the woman in the kiosk is the princess Isabella of Castile, and that Ibrahim went her there. Daye says Valide that Nigiar Kalfa said that Hatice is very nervous and he does not want the statues. Hatice confides to Gulfen that she has a fear about her son and Ibrahim and the reason is the statues, but Gulfen reassures her.

Sultan calls Hurrem but he understands that something is going wrong with her. Knowing that Sultan would not free her, Princess Isabella with wounded pride and feeling ashamed, is locked into the kiosk and set it on fire. Late afternoon, Sultan Suleiman learns that the kiosk caught fire and leaves immediately, while Hurrem hopes to be destroyed. The fire spread and the Princess is in danger. When Sultan arrives, the princess is saved, but refuses to talk to him. By Sultan Suleiman's order, Princess is transfered to Hatice's palace in order to be hosted and he requests from Bali Bey to tell Gritti that the Princess was burned.
Mahidevran goes to the palace to take Mustafa back and knowing that Princess is there, asks Hurrem to go with her. Hurrem refuses but after the pressure of Valide she goes. Malkocoglu is in love and declares Armin's father that he wants to marry her. Her father refuses saying he will not give his daughter to a Muslim, as belonging to another religion and to save the honor of his daughter, takes her and leaves the city.

Hurrem shocked when she sees Isabella in the palace and wants to go. When Valide learns by Mustafa about the woman who is hosted in the palace, she gets worried about it but Sultan informs her that she is the Princess of Spain. Mahidevran seeing the envy of Hurrem, takes the chance to hurt Hurrem one more time.Ibrahim suppress the rebellion and returns. When Ibrahim wonders about the Princess, Sultan replied that he would haggle with the katholics. When Ibrahim sees tha statues to be covered , reacts to Hatice.

Suleiman says to Valide that feels offended by harsh words and doubts, he says to her that he will remain as he has been trained and promises himself that will not permit bloodshed to his family. Nilufer transferred to the princess the threat of Hurrem, that if he wants to live, to go away.By Sultan's order,  allowance increases Ibrahim, something that doesn't please Hurrem. Hurrem says Suleiman that Ibrahim is competed with him and Suleiman gets angry saying that it is not possible to compete with his slaves. By Suleiman's order, Isabella is transferred to the kiosk and when she threatened him that she wil be burned and also burn him, he kisses her.

Synopsis "Magnificent Century/Muhtesem Yuzyil " season 2 episode 30
Hurrem says to Ibrahim that she must not be afraid of him because she testified about the woman hidden in the kiosk. Then Ibrahim reveals that the lady is Sultan's special guest. Ηurrem learns that the woman who stays in the hunting kiosk is hosted by the Sultan Suleyman. Hurrem is afraid that Sultan Suleyman is in a relationship with that woman. Daye hatoun reassures Valide saying that Suleyman has conscience and honor and not to worry and Valide replied that she fears for the future.

Hurrem finds Suleyman  troubled and attempting to find out if it is Valide's cause she gets him  angry and he says to her that it is not something that concerns her. Hatice's baby is sick and Hurrem has a fear that he is poisoned by the book . Finally the fever goes down. Everyone rejoices. Prince Frederick is trying to enter secretly into the hunting kiosk in order to save his fiancee, Princess Isabella. The guards arrested the prince. The princess sees that they arrested her fiance, feared that the Sultan Suleiman will kill him.

Sultan refuses to speak with Isabella upon her request and she bribes Sumbul to persuade him to see her. Frederick confesses to Ibrahim that Griti informed him were the princess is located and they arrest him. Ibrahim gets angry when he learns that Hatice asked Sultan not sent him to the East for suppression of the revolt. Sultan visits Isabella with Mustafa and he refuses to release Frederik. Mustafa informs his mother about the lady in the kiosk and Mahidevran seeing Hurrem in the hamam says to her that it came her turn to suffer like she does.

Hurrem is suffering from  Sultan's love and she tries to seduce him fear of losing. Isabella sends a letter to Suleyman with Bali Bey begging him to visit her , something that is perceived by Hurrem and makes her suffer more. Hatice blame the statues for everything bad and irritable, gets angry with Nigiar kalfa. Hurrem goes to the kiosk and contrite sees Isabella tries to seduce Sultan. She offers herself to him in order to save her fiancee.

Sunday, April 5, 2015

synopsis "Magnificent Century/Muhtesem Yuzyil " season 2 episode 29

Hurrem save baby hatice, before baby was not breathing when born. Hatice was happy and grateful to Hurrem and Hatice feel indebted to Hurrem. Ibrahim also thanked Hurrem that Hurrem have saved her baby. but when it Hurrem just say that there are others of Abraham, that Abraham had killed Leo, Abraham was not able to say anything. and Ibrahim asked Hurrem to forget it all (about the death of Leo), but Hurrem will never cease to reply.

Isabella tries to escape, but he fell and injured his feet. Suleyman find him and bring Isabella back.

the other side of the letter to his fiancée Isabella arrived Gritti is Prince Frederick, knowing that his fiancee had been sold to Suleyman by pirates then Prince Gritti decided to rescue the Princess of Suleyman
Topkapi Palace
Hurrem grateful that the Queen Mother had saved the baby Hatice. Suleyman will see the state of his brother.In order to serve Isabella, SUMBUL Aga frequently visited Isabella, Gul Aga Aga conclude that SUMBUL has ignored the harem. Gul Aga report on Hurrem. Hurrem also asked Gul Aga to keep an eye on what's going on SUMBUL Aga.

In the palace, Suleyman meet Hurrem his room, he felt proud that Hurrem had saved her baby Hatice.
Gul Aga memberitaukan on Hurrem that Ibrahim had been hiding a woman in a hut. Hurrem also tell Hatice. This knowing Ibrahim was angry. Ibrahim was said to Hurrem that he may have owed his life to Hurrem for saving her baby but Ibrahim also asked Hurrem to always remember that Abraham also has saved the fate of her children Hurrem, regarding the problem first is Leo.

Isabella wrote to Gritti that the contents saying that Isabella asked Gritti in order to save her from the prisoner Suleyman.

Synopsis "Magnificent Century/Muhtesem Yuzyil" season 1 episode 1

the story begins in 1520 in Manisa, a provincial-level regions in Ottoman traditionally been a place for the imperial crown prince to govern learning. When Sehzade (Prince) Suleyman ((played by Halit Ergenç)) along with the accompanying hunting in the forest, suddenly came a messenger from Vezir-i Azam (Prime Minister) Piri Pasha who was in the capital Istanbul. The messenger brought seputjuk letter stating that Suleyman father, Sultan Selim I, had died, and therefore the crown prince is expected to soon return to the capital. Soon after Suleyman read or letter, the escorts were bowed in (candidate) their new sultan.

Now we move to another place far away from Manisa, precisely in sebuat settlements in Ukraine. Alexandra ((played by Meryem Uzerli)) are worshiped along with family and boyfriend, Leo. They PLANNING to get married. Alexandra's father was a pastor who led the service. All went lantjar and peace to the church door suddenly opened wide. Someone shouted, "Tartar attack !!", and the panic was there. The tartar loot, kill, and mengatjau. Alexandra had to watch his own family were killed in the tragedy, his girlfriend was taken away by the Tartars, while he himself kidnapped. All the peace and happy that he felt, disappeared.

Meanwhile in Istanbul, Suleyman was reunited with her mother, the Valide Sultan Ayse Hafsa ((played by Nebahat Çehre)) and his sister Hatice Sultan ((played by Selma Ergeç)). Soon, the coronation of Suleyman started. He is now formally delimited appointed Sultan of the entire region of the tenth Ottoman (caliph for Muslims as well). Not long after that, the news reached the ears of the Pope (when it was Pope Clement VII) that reigned in the Vatican.
In a swift vessels under sail the brunt of the waves of the Black Sea, Alexandra along with other girls still faced grief. They all are girls kidnapping the Tartars results are then sold in the slave market. They are then sold on the envoy of the Ottoman Empire, which sends them directly to Istanbul to be a slave in the harem. Among these girls are Maria ((played by Burcu Tuna)), a friend of Alexandra who was also kidnapped and become slaves. Inside the ship, Alexandra became very wild. He even dared to spit on crew and threatens them with a knife. Maria tried to hold him, but Alexandra is still crazy. Overwhelmed, the crew finally binds to mast while Alexandra Alexandra in the original language and their Ottoman rulers swore that they hantjur entirely. Those ties were eventually released when the ship they approached the Bosphorus, the strait that adorn the watery side of the capital city of Istanbul. When Alexandra walked to the cabin window, she could see the night sky tjerah Istanbul are decorated by a fireworks display that is very beautiful, which diluntjurkan to ascend the throne of Sultan Suleyman celebrate. The same fireworks are being seen by the sultan on the balcony of his palace, along friend and aide, Pargalι Ibrahim ((played by Okan Yalabιk)). Not long after came Vezir-i Azam Piri Pasha, who came to bring the imperial signet ring.

Meanwhile in the harem, the new slaves had arrived, including Alexandra. They are being examined by a senior Hatun, Daye Hatun. During the examination, re Alexandra acting. As a result, there was a commotion which was then heard by the Valide Sultan. Valide then ordered the man to bring Alexandra to him. When faced with the Valide, Alexandra realized that she was in the presence of people in power, because that he begged him to her Valide released or killed just because of his grief. However Valide (in Slavic languages ​​fluently) reprimand Alexandra, that since he became a slave in the Palace Topkapι it becomes property of the Sultan, so that the right to decide life and death there is just and Valide Sultan himself. However Valide apparently not bothered to execute a new slave, and he was asking the person to bring Alexandra go and re-assembled with friends the other slaves